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Sedro Woolley Youth Soccer Association

SWYSA Code of Conduct

ALL Sedro-Woolley Youth Soccer Association (SWYSA) participants (board members, coaches, players, parents and other spectators):

·       You are expected to be respectful of all USSF-licensed referees at all times (also applies to any other person acting as a referee for a match). Abuse and/or harassment of referees will not be tolerated by SWYSA. It does not matter whether or not you agree with a referee’s decisions, they are final. The referee often has a different viewing angle of the play on the field and may see things differently than you do. Referees are our friends and neighbors who love the game. They want to see our kids be safe and learn to play fairly. Soccer is a contact sport. Just because a player is on the ground, does not necessarily mean the Laws of the Game have been infringed upon. Remember that the referees are also human and are capable of a mistake.

·       Please remember that this is recreational soccer. The players are here to learn and have FUN.
·       Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Win gracefully, not boastfully. Lose without being negative. Remember that kids learn by example.
·       This is a “family oriented” event. Foul or vulgar language is not to be used by anyone.
·       Parents, and any other spectators are expected to remain 2 yards (yes, that is 6 feet) from the field boundary lines.
·       Remember that they’re just kids and it is just a game.


·       You will be held responsible for the conduct of yourself, your child(ren), and any other persons/spectators who attend SWYSA events on behalf of your child(ren). You are responsible for ensuring that any other persons who attend SWYSA events on behalf of your child(ren) are informed about this Code of Conduct and its content.
·       Cheer and support the whole team. Always be supportive of our child, their teammates and coaches.
·       Never badger the opposing players or argue with their supporters. Be appreciative of good play from both sides.
·       Let the coach do his/her job. Remember that the coach is also a volunteer. Please treat them with respect. Do not coach from the sidelines, question the coach’s strategy or make demands of the coach. We wish that we had enough trained coaches for all teams. But, the reality is that this almost never happens. In fact some coaches may not be very knowledgeable about the game of soccer. But they agreed to volunteer when everyone else (yourself possibly included) said “no.” If you are unhappy with the coach, volunteer to be a coach next season. We are almost always looking for coaches.

 ·       Remember, your coach is volunteering their spare time. He/She is not paid for doing this. The practice schedule is the discretion of the Head Coach. You are not ‘entitled’’ to any specific number, frequency, and/or duration of practices. You are neither promised nor guaranteed any specified amount of the coach’s time. As already stated; if you are unhappy, volunteer to help.
·       Parents are not allowed onto the field during a match for any reason. Parents who enter the field may be asked, by the referee, to leave the premises immediately. You may help your injured player only if the coach invites you from the sideline.


·       Treat other players as you wish to be treated. Win or lose gracefully.
·       Encourage your teammates.
·       Be respectful towards your coach and referees.
·       Play clean and fair and follow the Laws of the Game. Don’t cheat.


·       Make fun your top priority.
·       Do your best to learn the Laws of the Game.
·       Teach your players to play fair and follow the Laws of the Game. Do not teach deliberate unsportsmanlike behavior.
·       Never place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of the players.
·       Teach good sportsmanship to your players, win or lose.
·       Remain off of the playing field at all times during the match. The only exception to this is if the referee calls for you to enter the field to attend to an injured player.
·       Any issues/complaints regarding referees are to be solved through the Referee Coordinator.


·       Anyone having a grievance/complaint regarding any SWYSA event/match shall communicate/present such grievance/complaint only to the SWYSA Board.
·       Grievances/complaints will not be directed or sent to persons from other clubs/organizations.
·       Grievances/complaints will not be posted to social media web sites and/or any other form of public forum. This applis regardless of whether the posting is to a ‘public’ or ‘private’ page/site.


·       For all matters that are under the direct jurisdiction of SWYSA, it shall be agreed that all decisions made by the SWYSA Board and/or it’s individual officers are binding and final. Any abuse and/or disrespect toward SWYSA Board members will not be tolerated. These people are volunteers and their time/effort should be appreciated.
·       There is not an appeal process for any such decisions, short of contacting the Skagit Valley Youth Soccer Association. Any attempts to disregard/circumvent this may result in disciplinary sanctions being imposed by SWYSA.
·       Any such disciplinary sanctions can vary, but may include banning the offender from any/all SWYSA events and refusal, by SWYSA, to accept player registrations from the offending party in future years.
·       Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken by the SWYSA Board. Depending on the severity of the violations, a variety of sanctions may be utilized to ensure compliance. MINOR – the offender may receive a verbal warning/caution. SEVERE – the offender may be removed for the remainder of the season and, possibly, barred from any future involvement with SWYSA. In the event that this occurs, the information will be shared with all other soccer clubs within Skagit Valley Youth Soccer Association and may be sent to higher sanctioning authorities as well.

Finally, PARTICIPATE. Cooperation is critical to the long-term success of the league. Please pick up all of your garbage, take care of the grounds and volunteer with the league when you can. This opportunity to develop high quality soccer is available only through the dedication of many volunteers Do your part!

Contact Us

Sedro Woolley Youth Soccer

P.O. Box 22 
Sedro-Woolley, Washington 98284

Email Us: [email protected]
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